
PayPal offers a secure way to make your contribution to the Community Food Bank. You can donate through PayPal by clicking on the button below. The PayPal site will open for you in a new window.
Hours of Donation
We accept food and non-food (OS&D) donations after hours and on weekends!
We have 4 semi truck bay doors and the equipment to unload your donations.
For arrangements, please call (817) 899-6884.

Organize a Food Drive
Fight alongside Community Food Bank against hunger problems by organizing a canned food drive at your school, company, organization or church.
Frequently asked questions:
What does the Community Food Bank usually need the most?
- Can Meats/ Vegetables
- Pasta/Beans/Rice
- Peanut Butter/ Jelly
- Kid related snacks or food
- Hot/Cold Cereal
- Coffee/ Tea/ Water
- Fruit Rolls or Diced fruit cups
How can I deliver my donations?
Community Food Bank can pick up your donations, but you can also deliver to:
The Community Food Bank
3000 Galvez Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76111
How can my organization have fun while doing the food drive?
Thinking of a theme, for example WALK A MILE, Tasty Tuesday, or “Mexican food” Monday would be a great way to spice-up your food drive.
Whom should I contact to have more information about the Food Bank and Food Drive?
Please contact Rudy Taylor at (817) 924-3333.
Thank you for your help in changing lives!
Learn more about our financial standing at Charity Navigator.