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Volunteer Profile: Andrew Wildish

Junior Accounting Major, Texas Christian University

Andrew Wildish is an aspiring accountant at Texas Christian University. He has gained acceptance into the PPA Associate program, and is on track to complete his Masters of Accounting and CPA. This summer Andrew has been working with Hung Bui to help complete the Food Bank’s 2013 financial statements. The food bank has been severely behind on reporting its transactions, and has been running a cash-based accounting system since inception. Under Hung’s guidance, Andrew is taking steps to learn how to manage the finances of a nonprofit organization. Andrew is from Kingston, Jamaica and hopes to return home this summer to help nonprofits from his home country in a similar way. His grandmother is involved in an Anglican church, a less fortunate retirement home and a girl’s orphanage scattered around the island. Andrew hopes to use the knowledge that he gained during his time with the food bank to help his grandmother’s organizations to similarly organize their finances. Through inspiration from the Community Food Bank, Andrew quickly learned that Non-Profits are indeed businesses and they should operate as a business. The only difference is that we are in the business of feeding hungry children.